My dryer is not starting.

Investigate these areas if your dryer is not starting:

Proper Voltage from the House

Your dryer may not be receiving adequate voltage to start. Make sure your dryer is plugged in. Also, check the circuit breaker panel to make sure all the circuit breakers are in the correct positions. Or check to make sure no fuses in the fuse panel are blown. Try plugging something else into the same outlet. If it won't work either, then there is likely something wrong with the power outlet. Any of these could be the reason power is not getting to your dryer. Also, refrain from using an extension cord to plug your dryer in.

Typical dryer door switch Door Switch

If your dryer's door switch is defective, it will not allow your dryer to start. Test your dryer's door switch. If it is defective, replace it.

Typical dryer start switch Start Switch

A dryer cannot start if its start switch is defective. Test your dryer's start switch. If it is defective, you will have to replace it for your dryer to start again.

Typical dryer thermal fuse Thermal Fuse

A thermal fuse is a heat-sensitive fuse attached to your dryer's exhaust duct (in most models) that is designed to blow if the dryer overheats. A blown fuse would cause your dryer to not heat, or to not work at all. Open up your dryer's cabinet and locate its thermal fuse. Test the component. If it has blown, replace it.

Typical dryer thermostat Thermostat

A defective dryer thermostat could be what is preventing your dryer from starting. Open up your dryer's cabinet. Test each of your dryer's thermostats. Replace any that have become defective.

Typical dryer timer Timer Motor

Your dryer's timer will not function properly if its motor is malfunctioning. Open up your dryer's cabinet and locate its motor. Test the component. If it is not functioning as it should, replace either the motor itself, or the entire timer assembly.

Typical dryer motor Motor

A burned out motor could be what is keeping your dryer from starting. Test your dryer's motor and if it is defective, replace it. You will have to open your dryer in order to gain access to its motor.