Amana Refrigerator AFD2535DEB
Repairing your AFD2535DEB Amana Refrigerator is simple with official replacement parts made to fit your model. View a selection of popular parts, or review parts lists for each of the
AFD2535DEB model diagrams below. Trust us to help you find the part you need and get your
AFD2535DEB Amana Refrigerator running again.
Diagrams for Amana AFD2535DEB Refrigerator
There are 16 diagrams for AFD2535DEB. Click on the diagram where you think your part is located.
Most Popular AFD2535DEB Parts
These are the most commonly purchased repair parts for AFD2535DEB.
This water filter has been updated by the manufacturer. It may appear different but will still function the same. No tools are required to replace your water filter. It is sold individually. This water filter is a genuine OEM part and should be changed every 6 months.
The pantry end cap attaches to the inside of the refrigerator cabinet to support the pantry drawer. This is a kit and it includes the left and right end cap. The part is made of plastic, is white in color and measures 24” long. This is a genuine OEM part.
Door switch turns the light off when you close the door.
This is a replacement ice maker assembly. The ice maker receives water from the water inlet valve and will freeze until ice cubes are formed. Once the water has been frozen the cubes will be ejected from the mold in to the ice bucket. The ice maker will continue the process until the ice bucket has reached the limit. If your ice maker is not making ice you may need to replace this part. Disconnect the power and water supply before starting your repair. This ice maker is a genuine OEM part. NOTE: This part has been updated by the manufacturer and does not include the cover, ice level arm or the wire harness. You can reuse those from the original ice maker.
The pantry drawer lid helps keep everything inside the drawer, it acts as a cover and keeps your drawer at the proper temperature by creating a seal. If the door will not open or close, or if the drawer section is too cold, you may need to replace the lid. The pantry drawer lid is a genuine OEM part.
This board will need to be programmed upon installation. The electronic control board is used in refrigerators to monitor and manage the temperature settings, such as cooling or defrosting times. If your fridge or freezer is too warm, too cold, is not defrosting, will not start, and/or runs too long then replacing the control board could solve your appliance problem. The tools needed for this installation project is a small flat blade screwdriver. *Please note: the board will need to be programmed after installation. Remember to unplug refrigerator from power source as a safety precaution. Refer to the manual provided by the manufacturer for further installation instructions and accurate guidance.