General Electric Air Conditioner AJEQ12DCDW1
Repairing your AJEQ12DCDW1 General Electric Air Conditioner is simple with official replacement parts made to fit your model. View a selection of popular parts, or review parts lists for each of the
AJEQ12DCDW1 model diagrams below. Trust us to help you find the part you need and get your
AJEQ12DCDW1 General Electric Air Conditioner running again.
Diagrams for General Electric AJEQ12DCDW1 Air Conditioner
There are 3 diagrams for AJEQ12DCDW1. Click on the diagram where you think your part is located.
Most Popular AJEQ12DCDW1 Parts
These are the most commonly purchased repair parts for AJEQ12DCDW1.
This protector heater, also known as a high limit thermostat, is a genuine OEM part. Its function is to keep the heating coils from getting too hot by providing an automatic shutoff, which is an important safety feature in your appliance. When replacing the high limit thermostat, make sure to first unplug the appliance before completing the repair.