Tappan Range TGF316GSC
Repairing your TGF316GSC Tappan Range is simple with official replacement parts made to fit your model. View a selection of popular parts, or review parts lists for each of the
TGF316GSC model diagrams below. Trust us to help you find the part you need and get your
TGF316GSC Tappan Range running again.
Diagrams for Tappan TGF316GSC Range
There are 6 diagrams for TGF316GSC. Click on the diagram where you think your part is located.
Most Popular TGF316GSC Parts
These are the most commonly purchased repair parts for TGF316GSC.
This 40-watt light bulb has a standard screw-in base and is used in many different appliances. If your current bulb is burnt out or broken you will need to replace it. This light bulb is a genuine OEM part and is sold individually.
Also known as gasket.
The metal chrome oven rack is a genuine OEM part. The oven rack is located inside of the oven cavity to provide a stable surface for cooking or broiling. This rack measures approximately 23” long x 16” wide and is sold individually. If your rack is rusted, damaged or missing you will need to replace the oven rack. No tools are required for this repair.
This valve automatically cuts off the flow of gas at a certain pressure.