Part Availability

The availability of a part is determined on each individual part’s status. The availablity indicates how long it will take that item to leave our warehouse once you place your order. It does not include “shipping time.”

The mouse is pointing on the part availablity. Here the part is showing as in stock. You may also see on order, special order or NLA.

The shipping method you choose, along with the part availability, and the date and time you place your order will determine when you will get your part. The availability status for each part will always be provided to you as you proceed through your purchase.

In Stock - Item is in stock and will ship today if your order is placed before 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. If your order is placed after 4:00 PM EST, the in stock items will ship on the next business day.

On Order - Item is not currently in stock, and usually ships to you in 3 - 5 business days. Order today and you should receive your "on order" parts in 10 business days.

Special Order - Item is not a regularly stocked item and it will be ordered once your order is placed. It usually ships to you in 10-15 business days.

NLA - No Longer Available - This item is no longer being made by the manufacturer, and cannot be added to your shopping cart.

The following is a guide to indicate when items will ship if you place an order on that particular day.

Monday to Thursday – Order before 4:00 PM EST and the items in stock on your order will ship that day.

Friday – Place your order before 4:00 PM EST and your order will ship that day. Orders with in stock items placed later than 4:00 PM EST will ship Monday.

Saturday or Sunday - The in stock items on your order will ship Monday.

Backordered items - Items ship to you once they arrive, and regardless of the number of shipments it takes to complete your order, you will only be charged freight once.

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