Samsung Refrigerator RF4287HARS
Repairing your RF4287HARS Samsung Refrigerator is simple with official replacement parts made to fit your model. View a selection of popular parts, or review parts lists for each of the
RF4287HARS model diagrams below. Trust us to help you find the part you need and get your
RF4287HARS Samsung Refrigerator running again.
Diagrams for Samsung RF4287HARS Refrigerator
There are 7 diagrams for RF4287HARS. Click on the diagram where you think your part is located.
Most Popular RF4287HARS Parts
These are the most commonly purchased repair parts for RF4287HARS.
The French door divider spring fits most Samsung French door style refrigerators. The spring applies tension between components in the refrigerator, which engages and retracts the door flap. This will allow the door to close properly. If the spring is broken, damaged, or faulty the door flap will swing open and block the door from closing, and you should look to replace the part straight away to prevent further damage to the door. The spring is a genuine OEM part, is made of metal, and measures at 1 1/2" long. This part is also known as a refrigerator door mullion spring.
Sold individually.
This evaporator fan motor is located in the back of the freezer, and circulates air over the refrigerator coils. These coils will convert the heat into cool air, which is then circulated.
This ice maker assembly in your bottom-freezer refrigerator automatically produces and dispense ice. It consists of a mold for 9 ice cubes, a control device, and a 12-pin wiring connection and housing. Its dimensions are approximately 4-1/2 inches by 12-3/4 inches by 4-1/4 inches, and it can produce about 84 ice cubes within 24 hours. This genuine OEM assembly is sold separately from the water line and the water inlet valve.
If ice is building up in your freezer or if your freezer is getting too warm on the defrost cycle you may need to replace the bi-metal thermostat.
The door gasket is on the inner door panel and creates a seal around the door to prevent warm air from entering the refrigerator.